You Are Water

That was a lovely afternoon sitting by the lake with a nice weather and a clear sky. The sun shone warmly and the water in the lake glittered invitingly. It was soothing watching the calm waters as people skipped pebbles into it. 

Flow Like Water. Adapt. Keep Moving

Today, as we sit confined inside our homes looking at different ways to sail through these times it makes me realize how we humans can be free flowing like water but sometimes tend to create our own barriers. 

You are water. Flow.

Have you ever noticed how nothing can stop the flow of water as it always ends up finding a path? Down the mountains, through the pebbles and the rocks, it goes with the course, till it reaches its destiny, that of meeting with the ocean. It certainly changes path but doesn’t stop flowing. 

What I’m focusing on during these trying times is to cease expending any energy to change any situation or anybody and let things just be. Let life play its role. There is greater benefit in embracing what’s there with all the dynamics playing as we face all that’s happening. We may be stuck physically but that doesn’t stop us from letting our creativity wander or our thoughts meander in directions that we love.  

If you notice that suddenly new doors are opening, there is harmony around you and serendipity is playing a huge role in getting you where you want to be, be assured that you are going with the flow. 

You are water. Adapt.

If there’s one thing difficulties have taught me, it’s the ability to let go off control. We are often under the illusion that we can control all the external forces around us but it seldom happens. The most beautiful part instead of being human is our ability to adapt. Letting go off control doesn’t mean you are losing control. My life has usually been in a rollercoaster mode (of course with choices that I make) and the last year has been completely a thrill ride. I relearned many things, there were times I had to ask questions, but most important of all I absorbed that the world doesn’t need any change, I need to change and that’s to let go. Take a deep breath and let go simply because it’ll help me have a better life. 

You are water. Cry.

Okay, so let me admit one thing I feel super embarrassed about myself and that’s my vulnerability to crying. While I don’t know what’s like an average adult crying capacity but I’m definite that I’m much above that mark. 

Of course I cry when I’m sad.  And then, I cry when I’m overjoyed. I also shed tears when I’m overwhelmed and I fill buckets when I’m angry. I cry when I get told off or when I feel hopeless or at just sheer frustration. I weep while watching movies or even when I hear someone’s sad story. Yes, it’s quite annoying and so I’m whining at this habit too. 

While I’m also surprised at how during some of the toughest personal crisis I didn’t shed a drop but otherwise most times the tear glands have played a major role J

But the fact that stays is that crying makes me feel so much lighter. It lessens the mental burden I carry. It’s my best mechanism to self-soothe. I would say irrespective of your gender and age when you experience pain, cry. Big boys and adult men, tiny girls and strong women, when you feel the need, let those tears roll down. Crying is necessary during periods of grieving. Let it all out. It is said that it’s in a manner our body’s way to fight a strong emotion that we are going through.

I sure seem to be in love with water in any form – my unstoppable tears, the magnificent falls or the calm waves.  

I’ll flow. I’ll adapt. I’ll continue crying 🙂

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