Why Does Self-care Matter?

If there is one thing I have learnt from facing adversities it is the importance of self-care. Life definitely doesn’t come with a map or a GPS and we all experience twists and turns. Everyday challenges to business losses to traumatic events such as death of loved ones, life-altering incidents or serious illnesses each one leaves with a deep impact. Whatever be our initial reaction, the idea is to heal from it and turn into an event that propels us to take care of ourselves better.

The truth is we can’t be a better anything – spouse, parent, boss, employee, friend, neighbor, acquaintance, if we are burned out and not in control of our emotions. A balanced self-care routine includes activities that we do around all the 6 spheres –

  • Physical

  • Psychological

  • Emotional

  • Spiritual

  • Relationships

  • Workplace

While we may be doing incredibly well in one area, the effort is to be bring in a balance in all to lead a more fulfilled life.

What does self-care really mean?

Self-care is paying and giving attention to supporting all aspect of our own health. It is about doing a set of activities consistently on a daily basis to enhance our well-being. At the core, self-care is about fostering the relationship and connection we have with our-self. Taking time for ourselves, to slow down, reflect and enjoy life and not trying to dismiss the little things as everyday life takes over. Putting “me time” on the back burner is a major contributor to why we can all feel run-down, overwhelmed and frenzied.

You might feel it’s selfish to keep yourself as the priority but remember the wise old saying “you can’t fill from an empty cup”. When you don’t take care of YOU, nobody wins. 

Why you need to implement a self-care practice as quickly as today?

Benefits of Self-Care

1. Stress & Anxiety Reduction

  • Triggers the relaxation response and gets you feeling relaxed
  • By slowing down and doing things that feel good we activate our parasympathetic nervous system into “rest and digest”.

2. Boosts Happiness & Joy

  • Hormones are chemicals produced by different glands across our body that travel through the bloodstream. They act as messengers and play a part in many bodily processes including mood regulation.
  • Certain hormones are known to help promote positive feelings, including happiness and pleasure.
  • Self-care can assist in activating these “feel good chemicals” in the brain, such as , Endorphin, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Dopamine. 


3. Restores Energy Levels

  • Taking time to slow down replenishes our entire being. 
  • Start with taking 10 minutes of time for oneself to do regular breathing exercise can bring energy to the mind and body. 

4. Increases Focus and Productivity

  • Through regular rituals that you do for your well-being you discover a lot about yourself.
  • By understanding yourself better you’ll know how to navigate all kinds of situation and people with more ease.
  • Be it following a morning routine or a bedtime practice, where discipline goes, productivity follows.

5. Value Your Own Self

  • It is an absolute fact that you are the most important person in your life.
  • Upon developing a self-care practice and taking part in activities that make you feel happy and joyful you are reminding yourself that you are important. 
  • Good relation with others starts with good relation with myself

Self-Care Ideas

Self-care isn’t one size fits all. The small actions that helps each person relax and brings joy vary from person to person and there’s no meter to measure what form is better. What works for you, works for you! Just Do That! To get you started on your self-care practice, here are some ideas.

  1. Practice Yoga or any body stretching regimen
  2. Meditate
  3. Light aromatic candles at home
  4. Find time in the day for deep breathing exercises
  5. Make a cup of herbal tea
  6. Cook nutritious meals
  7. Take Mindful showers
  8. Read a book
  9. Practice healthy boundaries in all your relationships
  10. Take a walk-in nature

Self-care is always a win-win formula. When we make self-care a goal, and look after ourselves on a daily basis, then we will feel and function better. The better we feel and function, the more we can give and do for the people and things we care about.

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