On The Other Side

It was Day 26 after my surgery and my first visit to my surgeon post the heart procedure. The dressing was removed and the wound was healing well. 

For the first time I was seeing the scar. The 8 inch incision that had been closed with great precision.

I stood observing it for some time. 

Open Heart Surgery Survivor living one day at a time

Yes, I was flawed, wounded, broken, and blemished. I still am. It’s only the imperfections that are different.

The more I looked at it many other scars came flooding back. Most of them invisible. Most of them that took me through extreme ordeals. Most of them that never left a physical dent. But, all of them that showed me that I have the power to overcome. 

What I hoped to happen, what will probably happen and what actually happened were all three different spokes in a wheel and learning to distinguish between them was me inching a step closer to accepting reality.

Heading out from the hospital we went to a café. We chose the eating joint that had scars. The one that proudly displayed the bullet holes of a terrible attack displaying the inhuman side of humanity. The unfortunate marks of 26/11. Human kind had definitely lost that day.

A scar reveals the survivor of a battle. The surgical mark made me realize I too was in a war and I did come out a winner. It looked ugly; the skin discoloured. Nonetheless, it presented me my enthusiasm to get back up and get going, my reason to dream, my reason to live.

I needed to embrace my scab. I wasn’t going to be ashamed of it. It’s damaged skin and not a damaged me and I shall be okay with it.

V decided to take me to the beach side. Some find solace in bottled liquids and for me it’s always been in its expanse. The soothing water; the relaxing effect. There is an overwhelming sense of tranquillity around it. The universe holds all the powers to rid us of our worries if only we allow it to play its charm on us.

There was a water bottle hawker and next to him a small lime juice thela. The water in front was vast and spread all around. The water in the bottle was a liter and took the bottle’s shape. And the water in the glass took a different form. Water always does it. It simply blends into wherever it’s thrown in. 

And, there was a lesson awaiting me. Whatever situation, good or bad that I find myself in, I need to get immersed in that sentiment and feel it completely. The marvelous part of being humans is the wide range of emotions we can feel. So while running away from the negative ones can seem tempting it is in living both the pleasant and the unpleasant fully that you’ll find a new thriving you on the other side 🙂

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