How To Relieve Stress with One Minute Mindfulness Breaks

Most of the time we are all perturbed about what do, which choice to make, where to go, and what’s next because, let’s face it, life needs to be moving on everyday, bills need to be paid, relationships are not always conflict free, dealing with health issues and there is job insecurity always lurking in our minds.

These worries start becoming a norm, which in a manner is a big disservice to our own personal growth. None of us want to live in this constant state of anxiety or anticipation and so how do we reverse this? The single word answer is through mindfulness.
In simple words, it’s about being non judgmental in your present moment.

The current times are challenging. This tiny Corona virus has brought mankind to its knees. There is constant fear; there are rumours and the serious threats. Each day with the death rate increasing the fragility of life seems more haunting. Irrespective of riches or social class, this pandemic leaves none.

In times like these, we have to look after ourselves and particularly our mental health. I have been trying a few one minute brain breaks to help me in moments of anxiety and when I feel overwhelmed.

Make Your Mind Like A Lotus Flower

I would like to share with you all too in the hope that someone finds them useful.

4-7-8 Breathing

Dissolve A Thought

Bumble Bee Breathing

60 seconds Gratitude

As surprising as it is but 60 seconds is enough to help you reset your mindset and can be incredibly effective as it offers perfect opportunity to take a break.

Try these out and do let me know what’s working for you 🙂

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