The People I Don't Ever Want to Meet

It’s not a click bait title 🙂

Neither, it’s about those exes and friendships gone sour kinda stories 🙂

I have forever been a dreamer. I often feel I live more inside my head than in reality. I enjoy wandering off into my own thoughts, making up imaginary situations and having those story book discussions with random people. While I am as much vigilant when I’m present in person my time alone is best spent this way. When I’m traveling from anywhere to anywhere, when I’m forced to watch anything that bores me, when I’m surrounded with people I don’t match with and so on.

Ever since childhood this trait of me talking to me has been a part of me. It sure is harmless. At least that’s how I have always seen it. Either I’m making up characters, continuing other people’s tales, re-enacting past situations or enacting future ones, rehearsing crazy conversations, ranting, pretending, fantasizing and so on. (My favorite one though has to be — I have make-believe coffee chats with celebrities :p)

Anyway, like most others would, I too have my own set of ‘online’ crushes — the ones I learnt about from the digital medium, the ones I religiously ‘check out’ every single day, stalk their work, smile at myself when I hear of those ‘handles’ and yes keep dreaming about. They are people from all walks, of all ages and varied backgrounds — the ones I admire, I respect, I am in awe of, jealous to some extent and I ‘speak’ to regularly. And, it is souls in this bracket that I don’t ever want to meet. It has never worked for me in the past and I’m afraid it may not in the future.

These could be ordinary people but they are extraordinary in my eyes. They are perfect. I have idolized them to the utmost degree. It’s quite strange that for someone who hates perfection herself it’s contradictory of why I would have such high regard for them. But, over time I have understood that they are the ones whose human side I would never want to see. I have an image of them, a pretty perception I have created and I don’t want that getting shattered. No one is who they really seem and that’s the major botheration. I will catch nuances of them that I would never be aware of in the ‘filtered’ world. They could have shades of those personality traits that I majorly abhor. He/ She would simply cease to be my hero/heroines anymore; the factor that makes me always want to keep the safest distance from them. I want that sweet feeling to stay alive whenever I read the stuff they write, exclaim at their art, wow at their dedication, strive to become versions of them.

I don’t want to ever meet them or at least never till I can separate the artist from his/ her art:)

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