How My Computer Reset Taught Me A Life Lesson

It was a fine day and after my regular morning activities I sat at my workspace to get going with tasks. I had reformatted my system the previous night and I was sort of hoping that everything goes well.

As of late my laptop had been running slow, acting ‘weird’ and there would be these unexpected system freeze ups. Some hardware error would keep popping up and I had at times trouble with connecting to the internet or dealing with extremely lagging speed. I had been facing this for sometime and it became more evident after I had tried to install some software.

Back to this morning when my system was working so smoothly it was almost like experiencing a new found joy. The frustrating moments had disappeared and the need to unnecessarily keep swearing had vanished. And it was at this instant that I could not but fit this great lesson into my personal life.

There are instances in our lives where we get stuck in a pattern. We can feel lost, directionless and so unfulfilling. It feels like days are passing but we aren’t really moving forward. Dead ends, confusing cross roads or the light at the end of the tunnel appears to be blacked out. Essentially this is the ideal time to look for a life reboot before get knocked down by a major jolt.

So, while rebooting a computer, basically what you are doing is changing how it operates or reworking on it’s slow and sluggish functions. You are not changing the computer in its entirety. Your effort is in trying to get it to a manner where it was when you first powered it. A life reboot behaves in the same manner. You’ll be working on making shifts in the way you are functioning and not necessarily changing your core.

During the reboot, you let device just be doing whatever internal functions it has to. You keep it rested and don’t meddle with it till it’s done. Likewise, when the need to redirect your self arises you have to take a step back and simply observe.

Firstly, remember that you are not the only one who is facing a troubled time. Everyone goes through their peaks and valleys and that’s just the nature of life. The below three practices can help unlock your potential and take you back to your joyous self.

  • Acknowledge your situation – If you keep dwelling on the moments of the past or dreaming about your future then you know that it’ll only prohibit your present growth. Tell yourself that it’s a tough phase and that you are going to get over it rather than ignoring it. Feeling down or feeling off track are absolutely okay. But what’s not okay is being cemented over there. When your life is at a standstill even doing daily errands can seem like a big accomplishment and at such times you should celebrate whatever you are able to achieve.
  • Do That Thing – There is that one thing that all of us dream of doing and we keep postponing it with different reasons or excuses. For ex. if photography interests you, and you think you’ll learn it once you have a good camera then you’ll keep waiting indefinitely. Instead pick up your mobile phone, look up the internet and get clicking. Treat everyone around and everything around as your subject. The reason that you start out is not to excel or compete but it’s simply because it delights you. And, by completely immersing yourself into your interest activity you find yourself off your worries even if for a short time and it also gives you new perspectives and ideas.
  • Grow From Inside – When we were born we were so free spirited and happy and that’s how the soul is meant to be. Over the years of being subjected to different circumstances and events we get cocooned in our shells and forget our inner being. You are here to be who YOU are and not be anyone else. Remove the perceptions people have thrown at you about you and instead look inside for what you are and how you want to give back. Indulging in some form of creativity, in making some art does help in giving you a better idea of who you are, how you make judgments and what is really worthwhile to you.

Say yes to a life reboot so you can spend your days with greater cheer 🙂

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